- Street: Okroase
- Town/City: Okroase
- Current Region: Eastern Region
- Contact Number: +233 302 773901
- Listed: October 4, 2024 5:55 PM
- Expires: 26 days, 11 hours
Native of: Okroase – E/R
Aged: 35
Height: 6’0”
Complexion: Dark
Eyes: Medium
Ears: Medium
Built: Stout
Dress in which last seen: White Lacoste T-shirt over a pair of Jeans trousers
Occupation: Carpentry
Language Spoken: English and Twi
Date, time and place where last seen: 20/04/2016, at 0930 Hours, Okroase
Circumstances under which missing: Left home to search for spiritual schnapps bottle alleged to be hidden in a bush at Apaam and has since not been seen.
178 total views, 1 today
Listing ID: 72667002c077a480